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Altar Servers

Altar Servers

On August 12, 2001, Pope John Paul II spoke to over 2000 young people: “Dear Altar Servers, your commitment to the Altar is not only a duty, but also a great honor, a genuine holy service. In connection with this service, I share some reflections with you. Altar Server clothing is very special, recalling the garment that each puts on when welcoming Jesus Christ in the community at baptism. The Altar Server occupies a privileged place in liturgical celebration. In the liturgy you are much more than simple helpers of the parish priest. Above all, you are servers of Jesus Christ. Thus you are called to be young friends of Jesus. Be determined to go deeper and to cultivate this friendship with Him. You discover that in Jesus you have found a true friend for life.”

Youth Servers:  To become an altar server is a special honor and a great privilege in the Catholic Church. If you are 3rd through 12th grader who has made his or her first Holy Communion and are familiar with basic order of the Mass, you should consider participating in this ministry. Altar servers assist the priest in the celebration of the liturgy during Mass. It’s not difficult, but training will be provided.  Earn service hours and grow in your faith, too. Contact Dcn. Jim Spindler for more information.

Adult Servers: The Altar Servers for daily Mass and Funeral Masses function in several ministries on a rotating basis. These Stewards are trained as Sacristans, Lectors, Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion, and assist the Presider at the Altar during the Mass. There is a continuing need for additional Servers to participate in this capacity, particularly at the 7:30 am and 9:00 am daily Masses.