“I will spend my heaven doing good on earth.” St. Therese of the “Little Flower”. Our diocese recognizes this same desire in many parishioners, who wish to demonstrate their gratitude for all the blessings the Lord has given them throughout their lives through a beautiful gift of bequest. The Vivos Christi Society is the Diocese’s way to honor those who have made a provision for their parish in their will, trust or other estate plans.
Frequently Asked Questions
How will my gift benefit Resurrection?
A bequest left to Resurrection enables us to continue to do good even after our earthly pilgrimage comes to an end and we enter into eternal life in paradise. A provision of any amount, or a simple percentage of an estate’s assets, will qualify the parishioner for membership in the Vivos Christi Society.
How do I learn more?
If you wish to make a gift, or have already made provisions for a gift to our parish, please let us know! Call the parish office at 863-646-3556!